Return to Innocence


September 28


10:00 am - 12:00 pm

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Reconnect to what truly matters

In life, we all have goals.

As an athlete, we strive for excellence. As a worker, we strive for the next promotion and for a big bonus. As a businessperson, we strive for more sales. As a coach, we strive for mastery.

Through all that striving, we seek to become bigger, better, faster.

We want the awards, the recognition, the promotions, the prizes, the appreciation. A little more, and then a little more, and then still some more.

One day we look around and we realise we have gotten everything we worked for. That great job, that big promotion, that relationship, that title, that role.

But then we’re still not happy. It still feels like something is missing.

What is it that we truly wanted? Was it really a role or a title or an award?

Or was it simply to come home to ourselves, to find ourselves, to love ourselves for who we are?

What if it was never about what these external goals could bring us? What if it was always about meeting ourselves in the space of acceptance and kindness, and knowing that we were always loved and appreciated, no matter what?

Do you remember what you were like when you first started out? That innocence, that hope, that guilelessness?

What if you could reconnect to that space, and find out what truly matters to you when all else falls away?

Everything is ephemeral, dust in the wind. When all that we’ve sought to build and accumulate falls away, what remains?

Come for a cosy Saturday morning conversation, where you’ll:

  • Reconnect to who really are
  • Discover what truly matters to you
  • Figure out what you really want
  • Find ways to appreciate and enjoy the moment
  • Appreciate yourself for who you are

• Facilitator

Shuying is a certified coach. She has coached more than 160 clients in the areas of career, relationships, and fulfilment. Her clients have started businesses, built more loving relationships with people around them, and found authentic ways of expressing themselves. She blogs at on the topics of truth and self-discovery.

• Format

The session will employ coaching techniques to facilitate your empowerment and self-discovery.

• Contribution


• Reading

You can read the following articles to reflect on yourself before the session:

If You Follow Your Dream

Why Do I Feel Like I’m Wasting My Life

What Happens When You Follow Your Passion

• Important to know

By RSVP only, please RSVP to Shuying @ 9813 9223 if you’re attending.

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